The spread of COVID-19 through populations around the world has had no respect for the roles that anyone plays in society, including key workers in a wide range of sectors, not only the well-publicised healthcare workers.
Companies making equipment for use in these key sectors are by extension part of that essential workforce, never before have the letters PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) been so often repeated and so widely recognised. The notion of hospitals running out of gloves, masks, aprons, gowns, and a litany of other devices is something that has kept politicians awake at night, so ensuring continuity of supply is critical.
In Malaysia, where Unigloves’ factories are located, significant measures to ensure that potential risks of COVID-19 infection are reduced to the lowest possible levels have been strictly implemented and maintained since the earliest days of the pandemic. All those who can and whose roles allow have been working at home to ensure that only those whose jobs are essential to production are on-site at any time.
In December 2020, Unigloves is testing our Malaysian workforce for COVID-19 as a precautionary measure to safeguard the health and safety of our employees. The tests are expected to have minimal disruption to production. Please read the Group press statement for more information.
For employees whose roles are essential to production, specific measures include but are not limited to:
- Cleaning and disinfection of all work areas, administration and production, continuously throughout the day
- Manufacturing employees forming bubbles to reduce the potential for spreading COVID-19.
- All employees, contractors and visitors have their body temperature measured and recorded upon arrival. Additionally, everyone is asked if they are well and do not have a cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath.
- Contractors are asked if they have visited any of the high-risk states or countries during the past 14 days. If a yes is given to these questions or if a temperature over 37.3°C is recorded, they are barred from entry to the site but that does not result in lost pay
- Non-essential visitors are not allowed to enter Unigloves’ production facilities. As Malaysia is undergoing a second wave of infections, currently no visitors are allowed into the production facilities.
- All employees have been trained in optimal hygiene practices, including the importance of keeping hands clean by frequent hand washing and sanitising. The best practice of respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, avoid touching their faces, discouraging handshakes and other contact methods which may increase the risk of spreading COVID-19
- Posters have been put up detailing the importance of hand sanitising and to keep workplaces clean
- Hand sanitiser is made available at the points of entry and exit, all common areas and other related places within the premises. Handwashing facilities are also provided at easily accessible locations
- PPE, such as gloves and face masks are provided to all employees. Employees are required to wear a face mask when coming to work and during working hours
- Designated rubbish bins with lids are provided for disposal of face masks & tissues or wipes used for sanitising
- Educate the employees to avoid crowded areas and to observe social distancing at all times
- Employees must make a declaration if they have visited any high-risk states or countries or been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
- The curing stage of production uses heat, so the entire production line equipment and products made are effectively sanitised during the production process
- Packing station operatives wear PPE (gloves, masks and aprons) as standard practice, this was the practice even before COVID-19.